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What Does Ctrl Shift Q Do

broken image

Ctrl + Shift + ⭾ Tab (105 programs) 170. Ctrl + Page Down (104 programs) 171. Alt + F4 (103 programs) 172. Ctrl + Shift + I (102 programs) 177. Ctrl + Shift + W (100 programs) 177. Alternatively referred to as Control Q and C-q, Ctrl+Q is a shortcut key that varies depending on the program being used. For example, in Microsoft Word, Ctrl+Q is used to remove the paragraph's formatting. Add space at the start of the timeline selection of equal length to the selection. Delete space according to the timeline selection. Select time around selection. Ctrl + Arrow Left / Arrow Right. Select time before/after selection equal to the selection length. Ctrl +Left Click.

Ctrl Shift F9 Word

See also : Mouse shortcuts | List and export of all Keyboard Shortcuts

  • 4Powerful keyboard modifiers actions

Function Keys

What Does Ctrl Shift Q Do
Show Help Manual F1
Toggle Properties Palette F2
Toggle Style Editor dialog F3
Toggle Layers Palette F6
Toggle All Guides F11
Toggle All palettes F12

Control, Shift, Alt Keys

FunctionShortcutfor Scribus 1.5 (when different)
Select All Control-A
Deselect All Control-Shift-A
Copy Control-C
Get Text or Image Control-D
Item Duplicate Control-Alt-Shift-D
Search and Replace Control-F
Lock Item Control-L
Lock Item Size Control-Shift-L
Group Items Control-G
Document Information Control-I
Delete Item Control-K
New File Control-N
Open File Control-O
Print Control-P
Quit Control-Q
Save Control-S
Save As Control-Shift-S
Ungroup Item Control-Shift-G
Paste Control-V
Close File Control-W
Cut Control-X
Edit with Story Editor Control-Y Control-T
Undo Control-Z
Redo Control-Shift-Z
Select All Control-A
DeSelect All Control-Shift-A
Zoom to fit Control-0
Zoom to 100% Control-1
Zoom In Control-Plus
Zoom Out Control-Minus
Zoom In/Out Control-Mousewheel
Smart Hyphen Control-Shift-Minus
Non Breaking Space Control-Space
Insert Page Number Control-Alt-Shift-P
Raise Control-Home
Lower Control-End
Raise to top Home
Lower to bottom End
Frame Break Control-Return
Column Break Control-Shift-Return
Stacked Objects, next in Z-order Control-Shift-LMouse
Resizing object when other object on top Control-drag
Resize proportionally Control-drag
Move image in image frame without entering frame edit mode Control-Alt-drag
Move frame/group with X/Y constrained Control-drag
Rotate a line or when creating a line, constrain the angle of rotation Control-drag and rotate
Rotate an existing item on the page other than a line and constrain the angle of rotation Control-drag and rotate
Resize to a square Shift-drag
New Line Shift-Return
Scale text Alt-Shift-drag
Scale text proportionally Alt-Control-drag
Move item 1 unit (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Arrow keys
Move item 0.1 units (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Shift+Arrow keys
Move item 10 units (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Control+Arrow keys
Move item 0.01 units (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Control+Shift+Arrow keys
Resize item 1 unit outwards (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Alt+Arrow keys
Resize item 1 unit inwards(current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Shift+Alt+Arrow keys
Move to start of paragraph in text edit mode on canvas Control Up Arrow
Move to end of paragraph in text edit mode on canvas Control Down Arrow
Move to start of frame in text edit mode on canvas Control Page Up
Move to end of frame in text edit mode on canvas Control Page Down
Resize image while in image frame edit mode on canvas Alt+Arrow keys

Normal Keys Shortcuts

A Insert Table Frame
B Insert Bezier Curve
C Select (Temporary until the rest are sorted out)
E Edit Contents (text in a text frame, or image location in an image frame)
F Insert Freehand Line
I Insert Image Frame
N Link Text Frame
L Insert Line
P Insert Polygon
R Rotate
S Insert Shape
T Insert Text Frame
U Unlink Text Frame
Z Zoom
What Does Ctrl Shift Q Do

Powerful keyboard modifiers actions

Quite standard for Linux applications

  • CTRL + MOUSEWHEEL UP or DOWN enables to quickly zoom in or out
  • CTRL + MOUSEDRAG on the canvas enables to move the current viewport

Specific to Scribus

  • When in Text edit mode : 1) DOUCLE CLICK on a letter part of a word will select the whole word. 2) CTRL+DOUBLE CLICK will select the whole paragraph
  • In the style edition dialog, when selecting a font, a very long menu has to be scrolled through all installed fonts. CTRL + MOUSEWHEEL enables to scroll one whole screen down or up.
  • When in Image Editing mode (double click on an image frame first), SHIFT + MOUSEDRAG enables to rotate the image
  • Not a keyboard modifier but worth noting : the measure inputs in the Property Palette accept mathematical operations (Example : 132+48 for width, or 43+180 for rotation, or even (2*3)+1 for height)
This article needs to be cleaned up. Please update the information, remove factual errors, refresh category data, or correct the hyperlinks.


  • Clean up this page
  • Implement as a plugin
  • Create a useful ShortCutMapper for Scribus: (How to add shortcuts for a new Application)
  • Relate Keyboard_shortcuts as well
Good momentum for this with the latest commits for pg-up/down button ( and adding standard OS X shortcut keys (
Retrieved from ''

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts / keyboard controls that offer alternatives for mouse control of the Eve client. These can be found in the client's Configuration menu and can be re-assigned to suit a player's preference.

  • 1Defaults

The defaults listed are current as of Odyssey 1.1.1. Bindings listed with the are not able to be modified.



Force face from blackShift-Backspace
Manage Nearest Control Tower(None)
Open Agent Finder(None)
Open AssetsAlt-T
Open Bounty Office(None)
Open Calculator(None)
Open Calendar(None)
Open Capital Ship Navigation(None)
Open Cargo Hold of Active Ship(None)
Open Certification Planner(None)
Open Channels(None)
Open Character Re-customization(None)
Open Character SheetAlt-A
Open Compare Tool(None)
Open Config Menu(None)
Open Contracts(None)
Open Corp Deliveries(None)
Open Corporation Panel(None)
Open Drone Bay Of Active Ship(None)
Open EVE Menu
Open Factional Warfare(None)
Open Fitting ServiceAlt-F
Open Fleet(None)
Open FPS MonitorCtrl-F
Open Fuel Bay Of Active Ship(None)
Open Hangar FloorAlt-G
Open HelpF12
Open Insurance Outlet(None)
Open InventoryAlt-C
Open JournalAlt-J
Open Log(None)
Open Loyalty Point Store(None)
Open MailAlt-I
Open Map BrowserF11
Open MapF10
Open MarketAlt-R
Open Medical(None)
Open New Message(None)
Open Noble Exchange(None)
Open Notepad(None)
Open Ore Hold Of Active Ship(None)
Open Overview Settings(None)
Open People And PlacesAlt-E
Open Repair Shop(None)
Open Reprocessing Plant(None)
Open ScannerAlt-D
Open Science & IndustryAlt-S
Open Ship Config(None)
Open Ship HangarAlt-N
Open Sovereignty Dashboard(None)
Open Station Management(None)
Open Training QueueAlt-X
Open Tutorials(None)
Open WalletAlt-W
Set Chat Channel FocusSpace
Set Overview FocusAlt-Space


Activate Defense ModeShift-1
Activate Propulsion ModeShift-3
Activate Sharpshooter ModeShift-2
Align toA
Decrease Probe Scan Range(None)
Dock/Jump/Activate gateD
Increase Probe Scan Range(None)
Keep at RangeE
Lock targetCtrl
Look atAlt
Show infoT
Tag item as: 11
Tag item as: 22
Tag item as: 33
Tag item as: A4
Tag item as: B5
Tag item as: C6
Tag item as: X(None)
Tag item as: Y(None)
Tag item as: Z(None)
Tag item from sequence: 1 through 9(None)
Tag item from sequence: 1, 2 or 37
Tag item from sequence: A through I(None)
Tag item from sequence: A, B or C8
Tag item from sequence: X, Y or Z9
Toggle lock target(None)
Unlock targetCtrl-Shift
Warp toS


Browse Window Menu UpwardsCtrl-Shift-Tab
Browse Window MenuCtrl-Tab
Close Active WindowCtrl-W
Close All WindowsCtrl-Alt-W
Close modal windows and open config menuEsc
Enter Captain's Quarters(None)
Enter Ship Hangar(None)
Exit Station(None)
Hide Mouse CursorAlt-F9
Log off(None)
Minimize Active Window(None)
Minimize All Windows(None)
Next stacked windowCtrl-Shift-Page Down
Next TabCtrl-Page Down
Open MonitorCtrl-Alt-Shift-M
Previous stacked windowCtrl-Shift-Page Up
Previous TabCtrl-Page Up
Quit GameAlt-Shift-Q
Radial Menu(None)
Reset MonitorCtrl-Alt-Enter
Select AllCtrl-A
Tab between edit fieldsShift-Tab
Tab between edit fieldsTab
Toggle AudioCtrl-Alt-Shift-F12
Toggle effectsCtrl-Alt-Shift-E
Toggle turret effectsCtrl-Alt-Shift-T
Toggle User Interface VisibilityCtrl-F9
Toggle WindowedAlt-Enter


AccelerateNum +
Broadcast: At Location(None)
Broadcast: Cycle Fleet Broadcast Recipients(None)
Broadcast: In Position At(None)
Broadcast: Jump to Beacon(None)
Broadcast: Need Armor(None)
Broadcast: Need Backup(None)
Broadcast: Need Capacitor(None)
Broadcast: Need Shield(None)
Broadcast: Request That the Fleet Hold Position(None)
Broadcast: Spotted the EnemyZ
Broadcast: Target (Selected)X
DecelerateNum -
Save LocationCTRL-B
Select next targetAlt-Right
Select previous targetAlt-Left
Set Full SpeedAlt-Ctrl-Space
Stop ShipCtrl-Space
Toggle AutopilotCtrl-S
Toggle show all bracketsAlt-Z
Toggle show no bracketsAlt-Shift-Z
Toggle Special Bracket DisplayAlt-Shift-X
Toggle tactical overlayCtrl-D
Tracking Camera: Toggle point camera to selected itemC
Zoom In(None)
Zoom Out(None)


Activate High Power Slot 1F1
Activate High Power Slot 2F2
Activate High Power Slot 3F3
Activate High Power Slot 4F4
Activate High Power Slot 5F5
Activate High Power Slot 6F6
Activate High Power Slot 7F7
Activate High Power Slot 8F8
Activate Low Power Slot 1Ctrl-F1
Activate Low Power Slot 2Ctrl-F2
Activate Low Power Slot 3Ctrl-F3
Activate Low Power Slot 4Ctrl-F4
Activate Low Power Slot 5Ctrl-F5
Activate Low Power Slot 6Ctrl-F6
Activate Low Power Slot 7Ctrl-F7
Activate Low Power Slot 8Ctrl-F8
Activate Medium Power Slot 1Alt-F1
Activate Medium Power Slot 2Alt-F2
Activate Medium Power Slot 3Alt-F3
Activate Medium Power Slot 4Alt-F4
Activate Medium Power Slot 5Alt-F5
Activate Medium Power Slot 6Alt-F6
Activate Medium Power Slot 7Alt-F7
Activate Medium Power Slot 8Alt-F8
Reload AmmoCtrl-R
Toggle Overload on High Power RackCtrl-3
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 1Shift-F1
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 2Shift-F2
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 3Shift-F3
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 4Shift-F4
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 5Shift-F5
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 6Shift-F6
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 7Shift-F7
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 8Shift-F8
Toggle Overload on Low Power RackCtrl-1
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 1Ctrl-Shift-F1
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 2Ctrl-Shift-F2
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 3Ctrl-Shift-F3
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 4Ctrl-Shift-F4
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 5Ctrl-Shift-F5
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 6Ctrl-Shift-F6
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 7Ctrl-Shift-F7
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 8Ctrl-Shift-F8
Toggle Overload on Medium Power RackCtrl-2
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 1Alt-Shift-F1
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 2Alt-Shift-F2
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 3Alt-Shift-F3
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 4Alt-Shift-F4
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 5Alt-Shift-F5
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 6Alt-Shift-F6
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 7Alt-Shift-F7
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 8Alt-Shift-F8


Move BackwardS
Move ForwardW
Move LeftA
Move RightD

Control Shift J Not Working


All Drones: EngageF
All Drones: Return and OrbitShift-Alt-R
All Drones: Return to Drone BayShift-R
Drone Settings: Toggle Aggressive/Passive(None)
Drone Settings: Toggle Focus Fire(None)
Fighter Settings: Toggle Attack and Follow(None)
Launch Drones(None)
Reconnect To Lost Drones(None)



Ctrl Shift Shortcuts

Deselect All Fighters(None)
Launch All Fighters(None)
Launch Selected Fighters(None)
Recall All Fighters(None)
Recall Selected Fighters(None)
Select All Fighters(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 1(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 2(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 3(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 4(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 5(None)
Toggle Ship Selection(None)

Ctrl Shift E Word

Character Creation

Show Help Manual F1
Toggle Properties Palette F2
Toggle Style Editor dialog F3
Toggle Layers Palette F6
Toggle All Guides F11
Toggle All palettes F12

Control, Shift, Alt Keys

FunctionShortcutfor Scribus 1.5 (when different)
Select All Control-A
Deselect All Control-Shift-A
Copy Control-C
Get Text or Image Control-D
Item Duplicate Control-Alt-Shift-D
Search and Replace Control-F
Lock Item Control-L
Lock Item Size Control-Shift-L
Group Items Control-G
Document Information Control-I
Delete Item Control-K
New File Control-N
Open File Control-O
Print Control-P
Quit Control-Q
Save Control-S
Save As Control-Shift-S
Ungroup Item Control-Shift-G
Paste Control-V
Close File Control-W
Cut Control-X
Edit with Story Editor Control-Y Control-T
Undo Control-Z
Redo Control-Shift-Z
Select All Control-A
DeSelect All Control-Shift-A
Zoom to fit Control-0
Zoom to 100% Control-1
Zoom In Control-Plus
Zoom Out Control-Minus
Zoom In/Out Control-Mousewheel
Smart Hyphen Control-Shift-Minus
Non Breaking Space Control-Space
Insert Page Number Control-Alt-Shift-P
Raise Control-Home
Lower Control-End
Raise to top Home
Lower to bottom End
Frame Break Control-Return
Column Break Control-Shift-Return
Stacked Objects, next in Z-order Control-Shift-LMouse
Resizing object when other object on top Control-drag
Resize proportionally Control-drag
Move image in image frame without entering frame edit mode Control-Alt-drag
Move frame/group with X/Y constrained Control-drag
Rotate a line or when creating a line, constrain the angle of rotation Control-drag and rotate
Rotate an existing item on the page other than a line and constrain the angle of rotation Control-drag and rotate
Resize to a square Shift-drag
New Line Shift-Return
Scale text Alt-Shift-drag
Scale text proportionally Alt-Control-drag
Move item 1 unit (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Arrow keys
Move item 0.1 units (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Shift+Arrow keys
Move item 10 units (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Control+Arrow keys
Move item 0.01 units (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Control+Shift+Arrow keys
Resize item 1 unit outwards (current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Alt+Arrow keys
Resize item 1 unit inwards(current: pt,mm,in,c,p,cm) Shift+Alt+Arrow keys
Move to start of paragraph in text edit mode on canvas Control Up Arrow
Move to end of paragraph in text edit mode on canvas Control Down Arrow
Move to start of frame in text edit mode on canvas Control Page Up
Move to end of frame in text edit mode on canvas Control Page Down
Resize image while in image frame edit mode on canvas Alt+Arrow keys

Normal Keys Shortcuts

A Insert Table Frame
B Insert Bezier Curve
C Select (Temporary until the rest are sorted out)
E Edit Contents (text in a text frame, or image location in an image frame)
F Insert Freehand Line
I Insert Image Frame
N Link Text Frame
L Insert Line
P Insert Polygon
R Rotate
S Insert Shape
T Insert Text Frame
U Unlink Text Frame
Z Zoom

Powerful keyboard modifiers actions

Quite standard for Linux applications

  • CTRL + MOUSEWHEEL UP or DOWN enables to quickly zoom in or out
  • CTRL + MOUSEDRAG on the canvas enables to move the current viewport

Specific to Scribus

  • When in Text edit mode : 1) DOUCLE CLICK on a letter part of a word will select the whole word. 2) CTRL+DOUBLE CLICK will select the whole paragraph
  • In the style edition dialog, when selecting a font, a very long menu has to be scrolled through all installed fonts. CTRL + MOUSEWHEEL enables to scroll one whole screen down or up.
  • When in Image Editing mode (double click on an image frame first), SHIFT + MOUSEDRAG enables to rotate the image
  • Not a keyboard modifier but worth noting : the measure inputs in the Property Palette accept mathematical operations (Example : 132+48 for width, or 43+180 for rotation, or even (2*3)+1 for height)
This article needs to be cleaned up. Please update the information, remove factual errors, refresh category data, or correct the hyperlinks.


  • Clean up this page
  • Implement as a plugin
  • Create a useful ShortCutMapper for Scribus: (How to add shortcuts for a new Application)
  • Relate Keyboard_shortcuts as well
Good momentum for this with the latest commits for pg-up/down button ( and adding standard OS X shortcut keys (
Retrieved from ''

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts / keyboard controls that offer alternatives for mouse control of the Eve client. These can be found in the client's Configuration menu and can be re-assigned to suit a player's preference.

  • 1Defaults

The defaults listed are current as of Odyssey 1.1.1. Bindings listed with the are not able to be modified.


Force face from blackShift-Backspace
Manage Nearest Control Tower(None)
Open Agent Finder(None)
Open AssetsAlt-T
Open Bounty Office(None)
Open Calculator(None)
Open Calendar(None)
Open Capital Ship Navigation(None)
Open Cargo Hold of Active Ship(None)
Open Certification Planner(None)
Open Channels(None)
Open Character Re-customization(None)
Open Character SheetAlt-A
Open Compare Tool(None)
Open Config Menu(None)
Open Contracts(None)
Open Corp Deliveries(None)
Open Corporation Panel(None)
Open Drone Bay Of Active Ship(None)
Open EVE Menu
Open Factional Warfare(None)
Open Fitting ServiceAlt-F
Open Fleet(None)
Open FPS MonitorCtrl-F
Open Fuel Bay Of Active Ship(None)
Open Hangar FloorAlt-G
Open HelpF12
Open Insurance Outlet(None)
Open InventoryAlt-C
Open JournalAlt-J
Open Log(None)
Open Loyalty Point Store(None)
Open MailAlt-I
Open Map BrowserF11
Open MapF10
Open MarketAlt-R
Open Medical(None)
Open New Message(None)
Open Noble Exchange(None)
Open Notepad(None)
Open Ore Hold Of Active Ship(None)
Open Overview Settings(None)
Open People And PlacesAlt-E
Open Repair Shop(None)
Open Reprocessing Plant(None)
Open ScannerAlt-D
Open Science & IndustryAlt-S
Open Ship Config(None)
Open Ship HangarAlt-N
Open Sovereignty Dashboard(None)
Open Station Management(None)
Open Training QueueAlt-X
Open Tutorials(None)
Open WalletAlt-W
Set Chat Channel FocusSpace
Set Overview FocusAlt-Space


Activate Defense ModeShift-1
Activate Propulsion ModeShift-3
Activate Sharpshooter ModeShift-2
Align toA
Decrease Probe Scan Range(None)
Dock/Jump/Activate gateD
Increase Probe Scan Range(None)
Keep at RangeE
Lock targetCtrl
Look atAlt
Show infoT
Tag item as: 11
Tag item as: 22
Tag item as: 33
Tag item as: A4
Tag item as: B5
Tag item as: C6
Tag item as: X(None)
Tag item as: Y(None)
Tag item as: Z(None)
Tag item from sequence: 1 through 9(None)
Tag item from sequence: 1, 2 or 37
Tag item from sequence: A through I(None)
Tag item from sequence: A, B or C8
Tag item from sequence: X, Y or Z9
Toggle lock target(None)
Unlock targetCtrl-Shift
Warp toS


Browse Window Menu UpwardsCtrl-Shift-Tab
Browse Window MenuCtrl-Tab
Close Active WindowCtrl-W
Close All WindowsCtrl-Alt-W
Close modal windows and open config menuEsc
Enter Captain's Quarters(None)
Enter Ship Hangar(None)
Exit Station(None)
Hide Mouse CursorAlt-F9
Log off(None)
Minimize Active Window(None)
Minimize All Windows(None)
Next stacked windowCtrl-Shift-Page Down
Next TabCtrl-Page Down
Open MonitorCtrl-Alt-Shift-M
Previous stacked windowCtrl-Shift-Page Up
Previous TabCtrl-Page Up
Quit GameAlt-Shift-Q
Radial Menu(None)
Reset MonitorCtrl-Alt-Enter
Select AllCtrl-A
Tab between edit fieldsShift-Tab
Tab between edit fieldsTab
Toggle AudioCtrl-Alt-Shift-F12
Toggle effectsCtrl-Alt-Shift-E
Toggle turret effectsCtrl-Alt-Shift-T
Toggle User Interface VisibilityCtrl-F9
Toggle WindowedAlt-Enter


AccelerateNum +
Broadcast: At Location(None)
Broadcast: Cycle Fleet Broadcast Recipients(None)
Broadcast: In Position At(None)
Broadcast: Jump to Beacon(None)
Broadcast: Need Armor(None)
Broadcast: Need Backup(None)
Broadcast: Need Capacitor(None)
Broadcast: Need Shield(None)
Broadcast: Request That the Fleet Hold Position(None)
Broadcast: Spotted the EnemyZ
Broadcast: Target (Selected)X
DecelerateNum -
Save LocationCTRL-B
Select next targetAlt-Right
Select previous targetAlt-Left
Set Full SpeedAlt-Ctrl-Space
Stop ShipCtrl-Space
Toggle AutopilotCtrl-S
Toggle show all bracketsAlt-Z
Toggle show no bracketsAlt-Shift-Z
Toggle Special Bracket DisplayAlt-Shift-X
Toggle tactical overlayCtrl-D
Tracking Camera: Toggle point camera to selected itemC
Zoom In(None)
Zoom Out(None)


Activate High Power Slot 1F1
Activate High Power Slot 2F2
Activate High Power Slot 3F3
Activate High Power Slot 4F4
Activate High Power Slot 5F5
Activate High Power Slot 6F6
Activate High Power Slot 7F7
Activate High Power Slot 8F8
Activate Low Power Slot 1Ctrl-F1
Activate Low Power Slot 2Ctrl-F2
Activate Low Power Slot 3Ctrl-F3
Activate Low Power Slot 4Ctrl-F4
Activate Low Power Slot 5Ctrl-F5
Activate Low Power Slot 6Ctrl-F6
Activate Low Power Slot 7Ctrl-F7
Activate Low Power Slot 8Ctrl-F8
Activate Medium Power Slot 1Alt-F1
Activate Medium Power Slot 2Alt-F2
Activate Medium Power Slot 3Alt-F3
Activate Medium Power Slot 4Alt-F4
Activate Medium Power Slot 5Alt-F5
Activate Medium Power Slot 6Alt-F6
Activate Medium Power Slot 7Alt-F7
Activate Medium Power Slot 8Alt-F8
Reload AmmoCtrl-R
Toggle Overload on High Power RackCtrl-3
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 1Shift-F1
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 2Shift-F2
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 3Shift-F3
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 4Shift-F4
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 5Shift-F5
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 6Shift-F6
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 7Shift-F7
Toggle Overload on High Power Slot 8Shift-F8
Toggle Overload on Low Power RackCtrl-1
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 1Ctrl-Shift-F1
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 2Ctrl-Shift-F2
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 3Ctrl-Shift-F3
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 4Ctrl-Shift-F4
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 5Ctrl-Shift-F5
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 6Ctrl-Shift-F6
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 7Ctrl-Shift-F7
Toggle Overload on Low Power Slot 8Ctrl-Shift-F8
Toggle Overload on Medium Power RackCtrl-2
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 1Alt-Shift-F1
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 2Alt-Shift-F2
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 3Alt-Shift-F3
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 4Alt-Shift-F4
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 5Alt-Shift-F5
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 6Alt-Shift-F6
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 7Alt-Shift-F7
Toggle Overload on Medium Power Slot 8Alt-Shift-F8


Move BackwardS
Move ForwardW
Move LeftA
Move RightD

Control Shift J Not Working


All Drones: EngageF
All Drones: Return and OrbitShift-Alt-R
All Drones: Return to Drone BayShift-R
Drone Settings: Toggle Aggressive/Passive(None)
Drone Settings: Toggle Focus Fire(None)
Fighter Settings: Toggle Attack and Follow(None)
Launch Drones(None)
Reconnect To Lost Drones(None)


Ctrl Shift Shortcuts

Deselect All Fighters(None)
Launch All Fighters(None)
Launch Selected Fighters(None)
Recall All Fighters(None)
Recall Selected Fighters(None)
Select All Fighters(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 1(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 2(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 3(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 4(None)
Toggle Selection of Tube 5(None)
Toggle Ship Selection(None)

Ctrl Shift E Word

Character Creation

Pick Portrait 1F1
Pick Portrait 2F2
Pick Portrait 3F3
Pick Portrait 4F4

Start by pressing 'Esc' to access the in-game menu

Retrieved from ''

broken image